US Elections (выборы в США) — видеоурок — Intermediate


Expecting the US elections, I’m offering for your attention, the new lesson about the elections. In this video-based lesson you’ll be able to learn the vocabulary connected with the elections and voting, watch the video about the day of election in the USA and find out why they do this on that particular day. And you’ll also practice listening and speaking about the elections. Learn English with comfort!

В преддверии выборов а США, предлагаю вашему вниманию урок на тему выборов. В этом уроке, основанном на видео, вы сможете выучить новые слова, связанные с темой выборов и голосования, посмотрите видео о том, в какой день недели голосуют американцы и почему, попрактикуетесь в аудировании и научитесь общаться на тему выборов. Изучайте английский с комфортом!


Activity 1. Look through the words (просмотрите слова)

  • candidates — кандидаты
  • debate — дебаты
  • poll — избирательный пункт
  • turnout — явка избирателей (количество избирателей в день выборов)
  • election — выборы
  • vote — голосовать
  • votes — голоса избирателей

Activity 2. Discuss the questions (обсудите вопросы):

  1. Which day of the week do people vote in your country?
  2. Why do you think this day was chosen?
  3. Do you find this day convenient?



Activity 3. Watch the video and answer the questions (посмотрите видео и дайте ответы на вопросы): 

  1. Which day of the week do Americans vote?
  2. Why was this day chosen?
  3. Is it always the same month?
  4. Is this day still convenient for most people?
  5. Why do they want to change the day of elections?
  6. What is the negative side of moving the voting day to another day of the week?
[spoiler title=’KEY’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]1. Tuesday 2. Other days weren’t suitable because on Sunday they went to church, Wednesday was market day. Other days weren’t mentioned. 3. Yes, it’s always November 4. No 5.Some people are too busy to vote. 5. It can create higher cost,    [/spoiler]

Activity 4. Watch the video again and decide if the statements are True or False. Correct the false ones. (Посмотрите видео еще раз и определите какие утверждения правдивые,а какие нет. Исправьте ложные утверждения)

  1. In 1845 in America there were enough polls.
  2. Any Tuesday in November can be chosen for voting.
  3. Nowadays the polls are closer to peoples’ homes.
  4. The turnout on the US elections is one of the highest among the developed countries.
  5. A bill for moving the election day to the weekend was introduced several times, but has never passed.
  6. All American states can facilitate early voting, in-person absentee voting and voting by e-mail voting.
[spoiler title=’KEY’ style=’default’ collapse_link=’true’]1. False (there weren’t polling places at every corner) 2. False (it only can be the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November) 3. True 4. False (it’s one of the lowest, 27th place in a list of 35) 5. True 6. False (some states don’t have these options at all)   [/spoiler]

Activity 5. Answer the questions about the last elections in your country (Ответьте на вопросы о выборах в вашей стране):

  • Did you vote? Why?/Why not?
  • What was the total amount of votes for current president?
  • What candidates were there?
  • Were there any debates?
  • Were there many people at the polls?
  • What was the turnout?

Автор урока: Юлия ГУСЕВА



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